Café Carmel celebrates the magic of bacon, continues offering convenient online ordering from its website
There is no doubt that the act of gathering together to share food is a positive, socially bonding experience.
To help satisfy that need, Café Carmel is now fully open for indoor dining. But if the pandemic has proven anything it’s that restaurants must be flexible, using a digital strategy to help cater to all customer needs. That’s why Café Carmel welcomes takeout and custom orders from its convenient online platform at www.cafecarmel.com.
A favorite among locals and tourists alike, Café Carmel is the perfect spot for a healthy breakfast, lunch, or snack. Customers may order anything from the menu online and it will be ready when they arrive.
Sept. 2 – International Bacon Day

The cafe is excited to turn the calendar page to September for many reasons, chief among them is the chance to celebrate International Bacon Day on Sept. 2.
We proudly serve Baker’s Bacon.
Bacon lovers unite! Celebrate this salty, savory, smokey, and sinfully scrumptious gift because, yes, everything really is better with bacon.
Start your day with one of Café Carmel’s yummy, bacon-laden breakfast sandwiches. And, remember, it’s the height of tomato season, and there’s no better way to showcase bacon than with a classic BLT.
Sept. 13 — National Peanut Day

Africans first introduced peanuts to North America beginning in the 1700s. Thankfully, that led to some enterprising baker creating the wondrous peanut butter cookie. Café Carmel specializes in this treat, and on Sept. 13, customers who buy two get the third cookie for free.
Sept. 22 — National Ice Cream Cone Day

Aligning with our mission to serve local, artisanal products, Café Carmel serves decadent scoops from Marianne’s, the family-run creamery from Santa Cruz that started in 1947.
Legend has it that an Ethiopian goat herder first discovered the wonders of coffee centuries ago when his goats became increasingly energetic after eating berries from a certain tree. Today, this human pick-me-up is so instrumental in our daily lives. Visit the café any time on National Coffee Day and receive a free regular drip coffee with any order.